61st Annual Black Belt Workout in Daytona, FL

Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA (1962 - 2023)
Founded by Grand Master Ansei Ueshiro
Under the direction of Hanshi Robert Scaglione
The 61th Annual Black Belt Event
will take place in Daytona Beach, FL
on Oct. 27 through Oct. 29, 2023.
​Register Now!
$50 Fee to Support Our Black Belt Event
Additional contributions (increments of $50) are welcome.
These added funds will go toward supporting the shorinryu.com website and building the USRKUSA App
Once you have paid, please email
Kyoshi Seeger - motobu@aol.com with your name, rank and dojo.
Oct. 27 - Oct. 29, 2023
Friday, Oct. 27, 2023
4 PM
Informal beach workout with Kyoshi Reymond near the Hard Rock Hotel. (Optional)
Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023
10 AM - 2 PM
Black Belt Beach Workout on the beach near the Hard Rock Hotel.
3 PM
Shihan Meeting with Hanshi Robert Scaglione
Location TBD
6:00 PM
Note: Cost of Dinner not included in Registration fee.
Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023
9 AM - 1 PM
Black Belt Training in the Auditorium of
Schnebly Recreation Center
1101 Atlantic Avenue,
Daytona Beach, FL
1:00 PM
Conclusion of Formal Event
Some Kyoshi and many black belts
will be available for informal training and socializing.
All black belts are also welcome
to stay and train with the Florida Deshi
at one of the many locations
in the Vierra / Cocoa Beach area.